Food Natural Blue Color and Stable


Natural Blue Food Color

Blue colors are quite rare in nature. In most cases, blue hues are based on anthocyanins and do exist primarily in flowers. In fruits and vegetables, except for some potato varieties, the shade is more or less violet (eg, blueberries, purple carrot) or black (eg, eggplant, tomato and black carrot). Therefore, bright blue colors in food appear to be artificial. Although obviously colored food products are generally rejected by the consumer, dyeing of uncolored or faintly colored products such as candies and beverages is widely accepted and even demanded. In particular, confectionary for children comes in all shades of color. Due to the increasing health awareness, replacement of artificial colorants by their natural counterparts is a major challenge for the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics industry. For red, orange, and yellow hues, anthocyanins, betalains and carotenoids may be used as natural alternatives.

FARBE NATURALS innovates on the Natural Blue Color in the food industry as the first stable natural blue, filling a significant gap in the natural colour spectrum. Natural Blue FAR-BLUE is an appealing alternative to certified colours and can be used across all applications. The bright blue can also be used to create additional natural colours such as green and intense purple shades.



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