Farbe Naturals

Natural Colors: Wide Range of opportunities

Written by Luis Zuñiga | Nov 27, 2020 1:31:52 AM




Foodstuffs and drinks that are suitably and unsurprisingly colored may also get a knockout response, especially in this age of social 

media. Improvements in the progress of natural food colors are increasing the demesne of opportuni

ties to colors that are not only more believable, but in some cases 

even impressive. However, knowing how to use natural colors positively in creations is crucial to the product’s success because, unlike their synthetic equals, they are more susceptible to their environments.

Natural Food Colors have many opponents that threaten to diminish them. While synthetic colors are stable in various light and heat circumstances, natural colors have different strength within different food process considerations. As an example, because of the difference in pH, the same natural red pigment used for making a strawberry ice cream could not be used in a red fruit juice drink.

Yonder pH, it’s significant to think in denseness and plump content as well as how the product will be treated, marketed and retailed. Shelf life of a product is increased when it is packaged in a way that inhibits oxygen and light.

 Plant-based meat and dairy products are showing tremendously popular not just among vegetarians and vegans but also among the vast number of flexitarians.

 The growth of the plant-based food market keeps research and development (R&D) challenged to provide color that meets consumers’ expectations. Around 95% of new meat alternative product launches contain color solutions from natural sources, and more specifically, from plant-based coloring foods. Natural reds for developing meat analogues are in demand to provide color transformation as plant-based analogues are cooked.