Farbe Naturals

Natural Preservatives in Reducing Food Waste

Written by Farbe Naturals | Feb 3, 2025 1:00:00 PM

Food waste is a global issue that affects both food security and the environment. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), approximately one-third of the food produced worldwide is wasted each year, amounting to around 1.3 billion tons of food.

One of the main factors contributing to this problem is the premature expiration of food, often caused by the proliferation of microorganisms such as molds, yeasts, and bacteria. This is where natural preservatives play a crucial role, allowing products to extend their shelf life without compromising quality or relying on synthetic additives.

How Do Natural Preservatives Help Reduce Waste?

Natural preservatives, like those developed by Farbe Naturals, utilize ferments from Cassava tapioca, rowan berries, and cornstarch to inhibit the growth of microorganisms that accelerate food spoilage. These ingredients not only prolong freshness and ensure food safety but also align with the clean label trend, allowing for more natural and transparent formulations for consumers.

Some of the key benefits of natural preservatives in reducing food waste include:

  • Extended Shelf Life: Ingredients like Natufresh SA 100 RW, derived from rowan berries, help prevent the growth of molds and bacteria in products like yogurts and cheeses, reducing premature disposal.
  • Preservation of Sensory Quality: Freshness, flavor, and texture last longer without the need for synthetic preservatives.
  • Reduced Environmental Impact: Less food waste means lower greenhouse gas emissions, as discarded food significantly contributes to pollution.

Industry Applications

Bakery and Baked Goods

Mold is one of the biggest enemies of bread and other baked goods. Natural preservatives like FarXtend-P help keep bread and tortillas fresh and maintain their texture without artificial preservatives.

Dairy and Fermented Products

Yogurt and cheeses can benefit from natural solutions such as Natufresh SA, which prevent the growth of unwanted bacteria and extend shelf life without affecting the product's sensory profile.

Meats and Processed Products

Reducing the use of nitrites and nitrates in processed meats is a growing trend. Natural preservatives like Natufresh P100 help improve the microbiological stability of these products, ensuring freshness for a longer time.

A Commitment to Sustainability

Beyond extending shelf life, the use of natural preservatives allows brands to align with modern consumer expectations, who seek more natural, healthy, and sustainable options.

Implementing natural preservation solutions not only positively impacts waste reduction but also represents a competitive advantage for the food industry. Better food conservation means optimizing resources, reducing costs, and contributing to a more responsible food system.


Food waste is a problem that requires innovative and sustainable solutions. Natural preservatives play a fundamental role in reducing waste, providing the industry with an effective way to extend product shelf life without compromising quality or relying on synthetic additives.

At Farbe Naturals, we are dedicated to developing functional ingredients and natural preservatives that help food manufacturers offer fresh, safe products that meet the evolving demands of the market.