Natural Red Color a Carmine Substitute

In FARBE we note that each day the world wide and customers demands the cochineal color free options. FARBE NATURALS provide an 100% alternative to substitute the Cochineal Carmine in final products based on vegetables and fruits, involving the use of water a gentle physical processes like pressing, heat, juice concentrating and filtering. FARBE NATURALS colors can be a good and suitable solution for specials markets where cochineal is forbidden. 


FARBE NATURALS Coloring Foods has a wide range of list of application possibilities. Besides diary, our solutions can be used in beverages, confectionary, ice-cream, bakery, food supplements and fruit preparations.

The trends of Carmine.

The desire for many customers nowadays is to find carmine-free labeling colors to apply in their final formulas. Carmine is a water insoluble colour dye used in wide variety of food products including juices, ice-cream, yogurt, and confectionery. Although principally a red dye, it is often used in the production of foods that are hues of red, pink, and purple. 

Carmine is considered as one of the most stable natural colour in terms of light and heat, however  supply issues over the last few years, leading to price pressures have lead some manufacturers to look for alternatives that achieve similar red hues in food and beverages. 

Natural Alternatives for Carmine.

FARBE NATURALS has formulated a new carmine replacer using a thin film short path evaporator, which ensures a low temperature that does not affect the botanical ingredients during processing.



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