Farbe Naturals


Written by Luis Zuñiga | Sep 7, 2019 11:35:19 PM

Why use artificial colors when natural colors can do the job? Nature is able to provide bright and vivid colors in every shade of the rainbow and no one knows how to use them in food and beverages like we do.

We are more than 40 technical natural color specialists and have more than 10 natural color expertise centers around the world, specialized in applying natural colors to a wide array of food and drink categories, mainly within the beverage, confectionery, ice cream and prepared food industries.

For many years, FARBE NATURALS  has been the market Mexican Leader producer of natural food colorants with proven stable, high quality colors produced in a sustainable manner.

Each day, FARBE Natural Colors assists multinationals around the world in converting from artificial to natural colors from both a technical and a commercial point of view. Natural colors will pay off on your bottom-line since the majority of consumers see a clear value in natural colors (according to a recent Nielsen consumer survey). FARBE Natural Colors is the natural partner giving your products the natural edge that is appealing to the consumers.

We offer:

Natural formulations
Proven stability and performance
Worldwide partnerships
Local expertise centers
Advise on how to convert from artificial to natural colors in a sustainable way
Contact us and let us help you find the Colors that make sense for your food or beverage.